hp photosmart 240 series
chapter 5
LCD screen language and country/region
If you purchased your printer in a country other than the U.S. or Canada, you
are asked to set the language and country/region for the printer’s LCD screen
the first time you turn on the printer. There is no factory default setting. You can
change the printer’s language and country/region settings at any time by
following these steps:
1 Press the M
ENU button on the printer’s control panel.
2 Press the S
ELECT PHOTOS button until Preferences is highlighted on the
printer’s LCD screen. Press the OK button.
3 Press the S
ELECT PHOTOS button until Language is highlighted on the
printer’s LCD screen. Press the OK button.
A list of languages appears.
4 Press the SELECT PHOTOS button until your desired language is
highlighted on the printer’s LCD screen. Press the OK button.
A message asking you to confirm your language selection appears.
5 To confirm your language selection, press the SELECT PHOTOS button
until Yes is highlighted on the printer’s LCD screen. Press the OK button.
A list of countries and regions appears.
6 Press the SELECT PHOTOS button until your desired country or region is
highlighted on the printer’s LCD screen. Press the OK button.
The prompts and options on your printer’s LCD screen now appear in the
language you selected.
The country/region setting controls the date format in the date and time stamp.
If the country/region is set to U.S.A./Canada or Japan, the date format is
mm/dd/yy. For any other country/region, the date format is dd/mm/yy. For
information about printing dates on your photos, see date and time stamp on
page 37.
Note: The language and country/region settings will not change if you
revert to the factory default settings. You can change the language and
country/region settings only by following the steps in this section.