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Although this camera may be very small in
size, it takes one big picture. The 7-megapix-
el Nikon Coolpix 7900 produces clear and
sharp images that will likely outrank
most photo printers on the market.
This petite gem wins are Editor's
Choice Award for functionality,
value and ease of operation.
Features of the Coolpix 7900
include 16 scene modes, Nikon
exclusive D-lighting and in-camera
red-eye fix, a 3x optical zoom and a
rechargeable battery that lasts for
around 200 image shots. The 2-
inch diagonal LCD review screen
was acceptable but slightly washed
out in direct sunlight. The
3072x2304 maximum resolution
produced excellent pictures during our test-
ing process, especially with the use of the
white balance feature and you’ll be able to take
640x480 video and sound. The camera
comes with 18MB of internal memory,
good for about five high resolution pic-
tures but you’ll need to purchase an SD
card if you want to take any number of
Software included with the camera
includes PictureProject 1.1, an image
management program as well as
ArcSoft's Panorama Maker 3. You’ll find
the Nikon Coolpix 7900 on many inter-
net retailer sites for around $300. Get
the technical specs of this camera at
You might just want to call the Philips
ShoqBox PSS110 Personal Sound System
the modern-day boom box but with a liking
for MP3 media. It's one of those units that
you could carry on your shoulder
with the clarity and output of its
CD or tape counterparts. The
system contains 256MB of flash
RAM which is used to house
MP3 and WMA (including pro-
tected) sound files that are
downloaded through the USB
port of your computer. An attrac-
tive display on the front promptly
displays the filename (ID3 tag
will show name and artist if it’s
available) along with the name of
the upcoming song.
Although it’s small enough to
hold in your hand, it packs a wal-
lop in volume. The ShoqBox
PSS110 is also a timepiece,
alarm clock and FM radio as well as an
amplifier and speaker system for other
devices with a line input. A built-in
equalizer, with music genre presets,
can sweeten the sound to
your liking. Philips rates the
rechargeable battery at 10
hours but we were able to
stretch that out to 12 hours
of continuous moderate
level play.
The Philips ShoqBox
PSS110 Personal Sound
System is available at sev-
eral large electronics chain
stores for $129.95, but we
were able to find a few inter-
net retailers that offered it
with $20 off. Read more
about this system at
Philips ShoqBox PSS110
Nikon Coopix 7900 Camera