HP Sygate Security Agent User Guide
logs: Files that store information generated by an application, service, or operating system.
The information is used to track the operations performed. Sygate Secure Enterprise
provides extensive logging capabilities that track events such as security violations,
changes to security policies, network traffic, client connections, and administrator
MAC address: A vendor’s Media Access Control hardware address that identifies
computers, servers, routers, or other network devices. See also Anti-MAC Spoofing.
MAC Spoofing: Intruders use a technique called MAC (media access control) spoofing to
hack into a victim’s computer by using the MAC address of another computer to
send an ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) response packet to the victim even
though the victim did not send an ARP request. The victim host renews the internal
ARP table using the malicious ARP response packet. See also Anti-MAC Spoofing.
multicast: Sending a message simultaneously to more than one destination on a network.
See also broadcast, unicast.
NetBIOS protection: An option on the Management Server that blocks all communication
from computers located outside a client’s local subnet range. NetBIOS traffic is
blocked on UDP ports 88, 137, and 138 and TCP ports 135, 139, 445, and 1026. See
also subnet.
network adapter: A device that connects a computer to a network.
network interface card (NIC): A device that is installed in a computer that provides the
ability to communicate with other connected devices on the network.
network settings: Settings that determine the Location of an Agent attempting to gain
access to the network. Network settings can check by MAC or IP address, DNS
server IP address, WINS Server IP address, IP range, Sygate Management Server
connection, and type of connection (VPN or dial-up networking). They are used for
AutoLocation switching. See also AutoLocation Switching.
ntoskrnl.exe: NT Kernel & System, a standard Windows service that initializes the kernel
and drivers needed during a session.