client: A device or program that uses shared resources from another computer, called a
server. In the context of the Agent, client refers to a Sygate Security Agent running
on a device that reports to a server.
computers: A personal computer, laptop, or workstation on which users perform work. In
an enterprise environment, computers are connected together over a network.
demilitarized zone (DMZ): A security measure used by a company that can host Internet
services and has devices accessible to the Internet; the DMZ is an area between the
Internet and the internal network that prevents unauthorized access to the internal
corporate network using a firewall or gateway.
Denial of Service (DoS): A network-based attack that is characterized by an explicit
attempt by an intruder to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that
service. See also Denial of Service Checking.
Denial of Service Checking: An advanced setting on the Agent that instructs the Agent to
check for incoming traffic using known Denial of Service (DoS) techniques.
DES: See Data Encryption Standard (DES).
destination IP address: The IP address of the computer that is receiving packets of
destination port: The port of the computer that is receiving packets of information.
DHCP: See Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
directory server: Software that manages users’ accounts and network permissions. Active
Directory is an example of a directory server accessed using Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP). See also Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP).
DLL: Dynamic link library, a list of functions or data used by Windows applications. Most
DLLs have a file extension of .dll, .ocx, .exe, .drv, or .fon.
DLL authentication: The ability to validate shared or application-specific dynamic link
libraries (DLLs) and ensure the integrity of applications. An Agent can be instructed
to allow or block known DLLs. An added level of protection can also be enabled to
block DLLs from being dynamically allowed when an application is executed. See
also application authentication, application fingerprint, DLL, DLL fingerprint.