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You would perform a soft reset 1) when the terminal fails to respond, 2) after installing software
applications that require a reboot, 3) after making changes to certain system settings, or 4) to install new
CAB or REG files.
The desktop appears when the Soft Reset is complete.
Hard Reset (Cold Boot)
A hard reset erases all of the data and applications stored in RAM memory, reloads the OS, resets the Real
Time Clock (RTC), and launches Autoinstall, which installs any CAB or REG files in the
\\Honeywell\AutoInstall folder.
Hard resets automatically launch a soft reset as part of the boot process if there are CAB files present.
You would perform a Hard Reset (instead of a Soft Reset) when you want to ensure the RAM memory is
also cleared. RAM memory stores settings for Internet Explorer, Outlook, and other Microsoft
Note: Set the time and date after each hard reset to ensure that the system clock is accurate. Double-click the date
on the command bar to open the Clock setting and set the time and date.
Suspend Mode
Suspend Mode suspends terminal operation. The terminal appears to be “off” when in Suspend Mode.
The terminal is programmed to go into Suspend Mode automatically when inactive for a specified period
of time. You can set this time period in the Power setting.
To suspend operation, press the red Power button to put the terminal in Suspend Mode on the 28-key
Dolphin 6500 or press the Blue then Z (Power) keys on the 52-key Dolphin 6500. To wake the device,
press the Power button. You may also press the front or rear scan keys to wake a suspended device.
Troubleshooting Suspend/Resume
If the terminal does not wake when you press the Power button on the 28-key Dolphin 6500 or press the
Blue then Z (Power) keys on the 52-key Dolphin 6500, the main battery might be too low to resume
operation. To check, remove the battery and install a fully charged battery or connect the terminal to a
Dolphin charging peripheral.
Changing the Memory Allocation
You can adjust file storage vs. program memory in System Properties.