Changing Your Route
H MENU button (when en route)
This section describes how to alter your route, add an interim “waypoint” (pit stop),
choose a different destination, cancel your current destination, and continue your
trip after stopping.
Rotate i to select an item. Press u.
The following items are available:
• Voice: Select to hear the voice guidance when en route.
2 Listening to Voice Guidance P. 96
• Destination List: Shows a list of waypoints. You can delete waypoints or edit the
order of them.
2 Editing the Destination List P. 112
• Pause Guidance: Pauses your current route.
2 Pausing the Route P. 107
• Resume Guidance: Resumes your current route. This item is displayed while the
route guidance is paused.
• Cancel Route: Cancels the route guidance.
2 Canceling the Route P. 107
• View Routes: Displays three different routes.
2 Viewing the Routes P. 91
1 Changing Your Route
d “Display Destination”, d “Display
Navigation” (when en route)
If you press the MENU button when not en
route, the Destination Menu screen is displayed.
2 Entering a Destination P. 68