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The Operator Programming mode allows changes to be made from factory settings to the chemical
pumps’ operation. This includes the Detergent and Rinse Aid pumps, but does not apply to the Sanitizer
pump on the LXiC and LXiGC models. The Detergent and/or Rinse Aid pumps can be turned off by
entering this programming mode. Disabling this feature will eliminate the alarm activation if no chemical
is sensed and turn the chemical pumps off. Machines not equipped with Hobart chemical pumps do not
have this programming mode.
1. To being the process start with the machine off.
2. First press the ON key, then immediately press and hold the OFF key to enter the user
programming mode. While the OFF key is being pressed the display will begin counting from "11"
going up to "99". Hold the OFF key until the counting ends and "WASH" and "Pr" is displayed on
the LED panel (Fig. 3). This indicates you are now in the programming mode. (The OFF key must
be pressed prior to the count reaching "44".)
Fig. 3
NOTE: If the "WASH" and "Pr" icons do not appear and the machine is equipped with the chemical
pumps, turn the unit off and try steps 1 through 3 again.
3. Press the WASH key to advance into the programming mode.
NOTE: The machine will shut off in 15 seconds if either the WASH key or the OFF key are not pressed.
To regain access to this mode follow steps 1 through 3.
4. The "DETERGENT" icon will now display either "On" or "OF" (Figs. 4 and 5). Pressing the WASH
key in either the Detergent or Rinse Aid mode changes the selection from "On" to "OF". When the
desired change is made press the OFF key to advance to the next mode.
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
NOTE: "On" indicates the Detergent or Rinse Aid pump will run and be sensed. "OF"" indicates the
Detergent or Rinse Aid pump is disabled, meaning it will not run or be sensed.
5. Pressing the OFF key advances to the Rinse Aid mode showing "On" or "OF". Press the WASH
key to change to desired setting.
6. When desired changes are completed allow the machine to turn itself off. It will do this
automatically after 15 seconds if no keys are depressed. The machine has saved changes and
is ready for use.