IMPORTANT! See Compliance and Safety information for the product before connecting to
the supply.
To obtain Compliance and Safety information, follow these steps:
1. 请访问网址:http://www.h3c.com.cn/Technical_Documents
Go to http://www.h3c.com.cn/Technical_Documents,
2. 选择产品类型以及产品型号;
Choose the desired product category and model,
3. 您可以从安全与兼容性手册中获取安全与兼容性信息。
Obtain Compliance and Safety information from the Compliance and Safety Manual
for the product.
Take the following steps to get related documents from the H3C website at www.h3c.com.
1. Go to http://www.h3c.com/portal/Technical_Documents
2. Choose the desired product category and model.
您可以访问 H3C 网站(www.h3c.com.cn
1. 请访问网址:http://www.h3c.com.cn/Technical_Documents
2. 选择产品类别和产品型号,即可查询和下载与该产品相关的手册。
Copyright © 2013, Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.
For more information about the product and installation procedures, log in to www.h3c.com
Copyright © 2013 杭州华三通信技术有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。
如需了解产品及安装方面的更多信息,请登录 H3C 网站 www.h3c.com.cn