1 CLI Configuration
This chapter includes these sections:
z What Is CLI?
z Entering the CLI
z Command Conventions
z Undo Form of a Command
z CLI View Description
z Using the CLI Online Help
z Typing Commands
z Checking Command Line Errors
z Using Command History
z Controlling CLI Display
z Configuring User Privilege and Command Levels
z Saving the Current Configuration
z Displaying and Maintaining CLI
What Is CLI?
The command line interface (CLI) enables you to interact with your device by typing text commands. At
the CLI, you can instruct your device to perform a given task by typing a text command and then
pressing Enter to submit it to your device. Compared with the graphical user interface (GUI) where you
can use a mouse to perform configurations, the CLI allows you to input more information in one
command line. The CLI of H3C devices is as shown in
Figure 1-1.