1. On the main BootWare menu, select 8.
This setting (Clear Super Password) is valid only for the first reboot of the router. The super
password is restored after the second reboot.
========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>========================
|<1> Boot System |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu |
|<4> File Control |
|<5> Modify BootWare Password |
|<6> Skip Current System Configuration |
|<7> BootWare Operation Menu |
|<8> Clear Super Password |
|<9> Storage Device Operation |
|<0> Reboot |
Enter your choice(0-9):8
The following output indicates that you have successfully cleared the super password.
Clear Application Password Success!
2. Exit the menu and reboot the router.
The super password is cleared. You can enter system view.
SIM card and 3G antenna failures
When the LEDs on the front panel indicate abnormal state of the SIM card and 3G antenna, verify
the following items:
• The SIM card has been correctly installed and makes good contact with the card socket.
• The SIM card matches the built-in 3G module.
• The 3G antenna is correctly installed.
• The SIM card, card socket, and 3G antenna are in good condition.
• The network provided by NSP is running properly.
If the problem still exists, contact local sales agent.
Restoring the factory settings
Scenario 1
When you replace the router, the router password is lost. As a result, you cannot log in to the router
and do not know the router configuration.
Because the router is replaced, you do not need to save the configuration of the router. In this case,
you can press the Reset button for more than 4 seconds to reboot the router and restore the factory
settings. Then, you can use the username and password shipped with the router to log in to the router.