A. Third Party Notices. Any and all copies
of the Data and/or packaging relating
thereto shall include the respective Third
Party Notices set forth below and used
as described below corresponding to
the Territory (or portion thereof)
included in such copy:
“© Royal Jordanian
Geographic Centre”. The
foregoing notice requirement
for Jordan Data is a material
term of the Agreement. If
Client or any of its permitted
sublicensees (if any) fail to
meet such requirement, HERE
shall have the right to
terminate Client’s license
with respect to the Jordan
B. Jordan Data. Client and its permitted
sublicensees (if any) are restricted from
licensing and/or otherwise distributing
HERE’s database for the country of
Jordan (“Jordan Data”) for use in Enter-
prise Applications to (i) non-Jordanian
entities for use of the Jordan Data solely
in Jordan or (ii) Jordan-based customers.
In addition, Client, its permitted subli-
censees (if any) and End-Users are
restricted from using the Jordan Data in
Enterprise Applications if such party is
(i) a non-Jordanian entity using the
Jordan Data solely in Jordan or (ii) a
Jordan-based customer. For purposes
of the foregoing, “Enterprise Applica-
tions” shall mean Geomarketing applic-
ations, GIS applications, mobile business
asset management applications, call
center applications, telematics applica-
tions, public organization Internet
applications or for providing geocoding
V. Europe Territory
A. Use of Certain Traffic Codes in Europe
1. General Restrictions Applicable to
Traffic Codes. Client acknowledges
and agrees that in certain countries of
the Europe Territory, Client will need
to obtain rights directly from third
party RDS-TMC code providers to
receive and use the Traffic Codes in
the Data and to deliver to End-Users
Transactions in any way derived from
or based on such Traffic Codes. For
such countries, HERE shall deliver the
Data incorporating Traffic Codes to
Client only after receiving certification
from Client of its having obtained such
2. Display of Third Party Rights
Legends for Belgium. Client shall, for
each Transaction that uses Traffic
Codes for Belgium, provide the
following notice to the End-User:
“Traffic Codes for Belgium are
provided by the Ministerie van de
Vlaamse Gemeenschap and the
Ministèrie de l’Equipement et des
B. Paper Maps. With respect to any
license granted to Client relating to
making, selling or distributing paper
maps (i.e., a map fixed on a paper or
paper-like medium): (a) such license
with respect to Data for the Territory of
Great Britain is conditioned on Client’s
entering into and complying with a
separate written agreement with the
Ordnance Survey (“OS”) to create and
sell paper maps, Client’s paying to the
OS any and all applicable paper map
royalties, and Client’s complying with
the OS copyright notice requirements;
(b) such license for selling or otherwise
distributing for charge with respect to
Data for the Territory of Czech Republic
Focus (CDH), enUSA, First Printing