GO Time and Cabin Conditioning
This screen allows you to enter or change
the GO Time and cabin conditioning
Action and DescriptionMenu Item
These switch the hours and minutes of your GO Time. The minutes switch
in increments of five. You can also switch the settings for AM and PM by
touching those buttons.
Time (+ and
These switch the setting for your selected cabin conditioning temperature
for this GO Time event. You can select from four settings:
tioning (+
and -)
Off85°F (29.5°C)72°F (22°C)65°F
Touching this button erases the GO Time and cabin conditioning temper-
Touching this button stores the GO Time and temperature settings.Save
Note: Cabin conditioning can perform differently depending on if you plug into a 120V
convenience cord or 240V charging station. The power available for conditioning is limited
to the charging station power available.
Note: Your vehicle may not always reach the set cabin temperature due to charging and
ambient temperature conditions. This is normal operation.
Note: If you select a GO Time, but choose Off for the temperature setting, the vehicle
schedules charging to be complete by your GO Time and does not condition the cabin.
Note: Make sure you save your settings before returning to the previous screen. If you do
not touch Save, your settings are not stored in the system.
Value Charge Profiles
Action and DescriptionMenu Item
Touch this button next to the profile name on the Settings
screen to see the value charge profiles.
This displays the charging mode and off-peak times for
your Default Value Charge profile. The system displays
off-peak times for weekdays; the remaining hours of the
day are considered peak time. The system displays similar
off-peak times for weekend days.
if you want your vehicle to
immediately charge when
you plug it in at this profile
Charge Now
Focus (CDH), enUSA, First Printing
MyFord Touch™