Headset Microphones set the standard
for head-worn mic solutions. They are ideal
for singers, public speakers, actors, musicians
and broadcast professionals who insist on su-
perior voice reproduction, comfort, easy set-
up, and a discreet look.
The microphones come in several colors, two
patterns, several boom designs. The d:fine
headsets are also oered in single- or dual-ear
mounts to cover a broad range of applications.
The omni headset microphones are for situa-
tions where a broad pickup pattern is essential
and o-axis noise is not a problem. The direc-
tional versions oer maximum side rejection
and excellent sonic focus on the subject. The
dierent ear mounts will fit any head and ear
size while the short boom is for louder speakers
or situations where the mic needs to be less
obtrusive. As with all DPA’s personal micro-
phone products, a full range of connectors are
available for use with wireless systems.
Headset Microphones
DPA 2014 | 28-29