Choosing a location for the Dashmoun t Brack et:
1. Position the bracket/printer with enough room to properly
open and close the printer.
2. Position the bracket/printer so it is protected from
environmental elements (i.e. moisture, tools, boxes, etc.).
3. Position the bracket/printer in a visibly secure area in
normal trac patterns.
4. DO N OT position the bracket a bove, near or re lative to
the driver’s position as to interfere with normal driving
5. Moun t the bracket/printer away from th e dri ver ’s hea d
to eli mina te poten tial injur y in the event of an
6. Cabling – All power to the printer must be fused. Connect
fuse box properly.
Cradl e
Vi br ation I s olati on Brkt.
Fig. 2
The Dashmount Bracket with Paper Tray (220151-000 )
comes with the following ( Fig. 1 ):
• (1) Dash Mounting Plate
• (1) Printer Mounting Plate
• (1) Paper Tray
• (2) Endcaps
• (1) Foam Block
• (8) ¼ - 20 x 1 ¼ ” Cap Screw
• (8) ¼ - 20 Lock Nut
• (8) ¼ - 20 Flat Washer
• (4) #8 -32 x ¼” Screw, Button he ad with L ocking Spot
• (1) #8 -32 x 5/8” Screw , Phillips Pan head w/ Locking Spot
• (4) #10 -32 x 5/8” Screw , Phillips Pan head w/ Locking
• Assembly Instructions
The Deluxe Dashmoun t Bracket w/ Paper Tra y ( 220154-000)
comes with the a bove items and the following (Fi g. 2):
• (1) Vibration Isolation Bracket Kit (220146 -000 )
• (4) 10 -32 x 1” Truss Machine Screw
• (4) ¼ - 20 Flat Washer
• (1) Cradle Bracket Kit (220153 -00 0)
• (3) ¼ - 20 x 2” Socket Head cap Screw
• (3) ¼ - 20 Flat Washer
• (3) ¼ - 20 Lock Nut
• Assembly Instructions
Tools required for assembly:
• 7/16” Socket w/ ratchet wrench
• 3/16” Allen wrench (hex key)
• 3/32” Allen wrench (hex key)
• #1 Phillips screwdriver
Foam Block
Mounti ng
Paper Tray
2 pcs.
Assembl y
F ig. 1
As s embly o f the Cradle Bracket (Deluxe Ki t):
Cradle Bracket (220153-000) is included with the Deluxe
Kit (220154-000) . It is also available separately. For the
Dashmount Kit (220151-000), which does not have the
Cradle Bracket, continue with the installation of the Paper
Tra y ( See next section).
2. Assemble the Cradle Bracket to either the left or right side
of the Dashmount with (3) ¼ - 20 x 2” Screws, (3 ) ¼ -20
Washers, and ( 3) ¼ -20 Lock Nuts ( Fig s . 9 & 10 ). In
addition, the Cradle Bracket may be installed at dierent
angles ( Figs. 11 & 12 ).
Install the pivot screw ( ¼ -20 x
2”) rst to deter mine the angle of the Cradle Bracket.
Insert the screws from the outside through the Cradle
Bracket and then the Endcap. Place the washer over the
exposed threads of the screw and tighten the assembl
together with the locking nuts. Side location and angle o
Cradle Bracket is based on user requirements. Be careful
not t o o ver tigh ten as it may compress and damage
the Endcaps .
3. Secure the Cradle Bracket, once the appropriate location
and angle are de termined, with the remaining hardware in
the appropriate angle adjustment holes.
F ig. 12
Angle adju st ment holes
F ig. 11
F ig. 10
Pi vot
F ig. 9
As s embly o f the Dash mo unt Bracket:
1. Either Endcaps may be used on the left or right side.
Assemble the Endcaps to the Dash Mounting Plate using
(4) ¼ - 2 0 x 1 ¼ ” Screws, (4) ¼ -20 Washer, and (4) ¼ -
20 Lock Nuts. Insert the screws from the outside through
the Dash Mounting Plate and then the Endcap. Place the
washe r over the exposed t hreads of the screw and tighten
the assembly together with the locking nuts. Use a ratchet
wrench with 7/16” socket and 3/16” Allen wrench ( Fig. 3 ).
Be careful not to o verti ghten a s it may compress and
damage t he Endcaps. The screw shaft should protrude
no more tha n 1/8” past the nylon of the lock nut.
2. The Dashmount should appear e xactly as in Fi g. 4 .
3. The Printer Mounting Plate may be positioned in t wo
ways. First option ( Fi g. 5 ) is with the paper exiting the
printer up the angled Dashmount. Second option (
Fig. 6 )
is w ith the pap er exiting do wn the angled Dashmount.
The user will determine the direction of the paper f eed.
4. Assemble the Printer Mounting Plate onto the Endcaps
using (4) ¼ - 20 x 1 ¼” Screws , ( 4) ¼ -20 Washer, and (4)
¼ -20 Lock Nuts (Fig. 7 ). Be careful not to over tighten
as it ma y compress and damage t he Endcaps . T he
screw shaft should protrude no more than 1/8 ” past the
nylon of the lock nut.
. 6
Fig. 5
. 7
Fig. 3
& Nut
Fig. 4
Fig. 3