Appendix J Abbreviations
Abbreviation Full name Explanation
IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream IPDS is generated and sent
by e.g. PSF and translated to
PCL by e.g. the MPI Tech
PrintServer/Protocol Con-
verter. IPDS supports the
complete print datastream
and communication between
IPDS capable devices
(including software devices).
LAN Local Area Network Usually TokenRing or
Ethernet. Coax and Twinax
are usually regarded as
LED Light-Emitting Diode
LPD Line Printer Demon Part of the standard TCP/IP
stack (programs). Two major
(incompatible) variations of
LPR/LPD are generally used
Works only in conjunction
with LPR. The sender of a
printjob via TCP/IP will be
LPR and the receiver will be
LPR Line Printer Requester Part of the standard TCP/IP
stack (programs). Two major
(incompatible) variations of
LPR/LPD are generally used
Works only in conjunction
with LPD. The sender of a
printjob via TCP/IP will be
LPR and the receiver will be
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