Emulazioni Manuale dell’utente
Per maggiori informazioni, si rimanda al Manuale di programma-
zione, su questo CD-Rom.
ESC [ p1 t Special Print Mode (Oversize/Expanded/Bar code Mode - GENSPM)
ESC [ p1; p2 f Horizontal and Vertical Position Absolute (HVP)
ESC [ p1 e Vertical Position Relative (VPR)
ESC [ p1; pn p Assign Source for Forms (GENASF)
ESC [ p1 x Selects National character set (Select National Characters – GENSNC
ESC [ p1; p2 SP{ Cut paper at current position
ETX End of transmission
FF Form Feed
HT Horizontal tab
LF Line Feed
NUL Ignored
OSC Operating System Command, ESC ]
SI Shift In
SO Shift Out
SP Space
VT Vertical tab
Code Function