Key printer features and options are listed in the next two sections.
• Software compatibility. This printer operates with IBM Proprinter XL24E and Epson-EP2
• Various character sets. For IBM Mode: IBM Set 1 and Set 2. For EPSON Mode: 15 National
Character Sets.
• Multiple fonts. The printer has thirteen resident fonts: Draft, Roman, Sans Serif, Courier,
Bold, Prestige, Script, Orator, Gothic, OCR-A, OCR-B, Sans Serif H and Roman T. Two scal-
able fonts – Roman and Sans Serif.
• High-speed printing. At 10 cpi, print speed ranges from 400 cps for high-speed draft quality
to 133 cps for letter quality.
• 64K bytes of input buffer. 64K bytes are available for storing input data and downloading
custom fonts.
• Simple switching of paper types. The ability to “park” continuous forms to switch between
continuous forms and single sheets.
• Two positions capability. The printer may be mounted vertically on a panel or seat back in
a standard transportation vehicle, or horizontally on the passenger seat or other location.
The push tractor feeds the continuous forms.
• Automatic tear-off advancing. With factory settings of the Set-Up mode, continuous forms’
perforations are automatically advanced up to the tear bar at the end of each job so that
forms can be torn off.
• Auto viewing. Paper (continuous forms or single sheets) is automatically advanced at the
end of each printing so that the last printed line can be read.
• Maintenance-free. The printer only requires periodic cleaning and changing of the ribbon
Printer configurations are available with:
• 802.11B Wireless Ethernet.