1.4 Outline of Label Format Data
This printer prints label format data by using memory space of the
following size.
area 7206 7106
Reception buffer area [bytes] 16K
Field register data area [bytes] 20K
Number of maximum print fields 400
Global register area [bytes] 1K
Bit map area [bytes] 1892K
Maximum page length [inches] 32
1 Reception buffer area
The reception buffer area is a ring data buffer area (software FIFO)
under software control. Basically, all commands and data transmitted
from the host computer are buffered once into this area and then
executed in the order of buffering to complete communications from
the host computer in the shortest possible time. However, some
system level commands (such as those starting with "SOH" for print
halt) which require real-time execution are executed immediately after
being received.
2 Field register area
A string of character data and bar code data is regarded as one field
that includes information such as type, print position, and size. The
field register area is an area that encloses the label format field. The
label format interpreter analyzes the format data received, stores it
once, and then generates a bit map. If there are any problems in the
data received, the data that is being analyzed is discarded without
being stored in the field register area. The field data is given a control
number for every field (1, 2, · · 400) when the data is stored. This
printer has a field register area of 20,000 characters and can print a
maximum of 400 different types of field data per label.
3 Global register area
The global register area is an area which stores field data that is
repeatedly used. A part of the data (character string and bar code
data) in the field register is stored in the global register area and used
as requested. The data stored in the global register area is given a
control number starting with A (A, B, ----- , P). The data set in the
global register is stored while formatting for one label is performed
(until the label format interpreter returns control to the system level
interpreter) so it can be reused for data definition within the same