FCC part 15b
Physical Dimensions:
Technical Specifications
L = 9.25 inches
W = 6.25 inches
H = 1.50 inches
802.11a Specifications
Data Rates:*
6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54, 72 Mbps (with auto-Fallback)
Data Security:
64, 128, 152 bit with Dynamic Keying
Access Control List
Antenna Type:
External 5dBi dipole antenna with diversity
Eight non-overlapping channels for North America
Available Channels:
Frequency Range:
5.150 – 5.350 GHz
Modulation Technology:
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
*Maximum wireless signal rate based on IEEE Standard 802.11a specifications. Actual data
throughput will vary. Network conditions and environmental factors, including volume of
network traffic, building materials and construction, and network overhead lower actual data
throughput rate.