122 Chapter 9 Troubleshooting the ICS Remote Tool
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RAD alarm codes
When a RAD receives an alarm from the KSU, it dials the telephone number of the modem
attached to the dedicated alarm device and transmits an alarm string. This string identifies the
System ID number and the alarm code.
In some cases RAD alarm codes do not match ICS alarm codes. The following table shows the ICS
alarm code equivalents to RAD alarm codes. Use Table 11 when you are trying to interpret RAD
alarm codes:
Table key:
• X is the port number (1-8)
• 52 means the Trunk Cartridge is disconnected from the Trunk Module
• 61 means the Trunk Cartridge is incompatible
• 1,2,3 indicates the Trunk Cartridge number
• 1,5,9 indicates the Trunk Cartridge line number
Table 11 ICS and RAD alarm cross reference
ICS reported RAD reported
52-X-1 52-X-01
52-X-2 52-X-05
52-X-3 52-X-09
61-X-1 61-X-1
61-X-1 61-X-5
61-X-3 61-X-9
Note: For more information about Alarm Codes, see the appropriate Norstar Installer
Guide, or the Norstar Companion Alarm and Event Code Manual.