613A 794844 Screw (Muffler) 1005 794815 Fan-Flywheel
615 694676 Retainer-Governor Shaft 1011 794544 Tube-Vent
616 694675 Crank-Governor 1022 690971 •+ Gasket-Rocker Cover
632 695917 Spring/Link-Mechanical 1023 698042 Cover-Rocker
Governor 1026 695177 Rod-Push
633 690998
0 i
Seal-Choke/Throttle Shaft 1029 690972 Arm-Rocker
635 691909 Boot-Spark Plug 1036 Label-Emissions (Available from
663 699854 Screw (Control Panel) an authorized Briggs & Stratton
668 794539 Spacer Service Dealer)
676 697816 Deflector-Muffler 1070 794821 Screw (Flywheel Fan)
677 699776 Screw (Muffler Deflector) 1095 695440 Gasket Set-Valve
689 691855 Spring-Friction 1100 791959 Pivot-Rocker Arm
697 795012 Screw (Starter Motor) 1119 699772 Screw (Alternator)
718 690959 Pin-Locating 1127 695407 Screw (Float Bowl)
718A 695178 Pin-Locating 1171 794828 Stud (Rocker Arm Cover)
725 696756 Shield-Heat 1196 696692 Screw (Snow Hood)
727 697465 Cover-Starter Drive 1210 498144 Pulley/Spring Assembly (Pulley)
731 793621 Hood-Snow 1211 498144 Pulley/Spring Assembly (Spring)
731A 794540 Hood-Snow 1230 699847 Stud (Control Bracket)
732 699200 Screw (Starter Drive Cover) 1251 696762 Shield-Snow
741 691288 Gear-Timing 1251A790471 Shield-Snow
742 692564 Retainer-E Ring 1252 699480 Screw (Snow Shield)
746 694679 Gear-Idler 1288 696757 Nut (Snow Hood)
798 697890 Screw (Rocker Cover) 1298 795016 Nut (Heat Shield)
842 795015 Seal-0 Ring (Dipstick Tube) 1318 794838 Knob-Snow Hood
847 790476 Dipstick/Tube Assembly 1329 20P414-0015 Replacement Engine (Transfer
851 692424 Terminal-Spark Plug Muffler and/or Spark Arrester
868 794086 *+ Seal-Valve Assemblyfromthe original engine
883 695398 *+ Gasket-Exhaust if suitable for additional service
892 791944 Switch-Key or add new parts as required).
914 794827 Screw (Rocker Cover) 1351 794847 Stud (Cylinder Shield)
930 696709 Guard-Rewind
957 694261 Cap-Fuel
Included in Engine Gasket Set, Key, No, 358
972 694260 Tank-Fuel 0 Included in Carburetor Overhaul Kit, Key, No, 121
975 696138 Bowl-Float Included in Carburetor Gasket Set, Key, No, 977
976 790221 Primer-Carburetor + Included in Valve Gasket Set, Key, No, 1095
977 696147 Gasket Set-Carburetor
990 695756 Key Set NOTE: All component dimensions given in U,S, inches
998 792928 Pipe-Oil 1 inch = 25,4 mm
Engine Power Rating Information
The gross power rating for individual gas engine models is labeled in accordance with SAE (Society of Automotive Engi
neers) code J11940 (Small Engine Power & Torque Rating Procedure), and rating performance has been obtained and
corrected in accordance with SAE J1995 (Revision 2002-5), Actual gross engine power will be lower and is affected by,
among other things, ambient operating conditions and engine-to-engine variability. Given both the wide array of prod
ucts on which engines are placed and the variety of environmental issues applicable to operating the equipment, the
gas engine will not develop the rated gross power when used in a given piece of power equipment (actual “on-site” or
net horsepower). This difference is due to a variety of factors including, but not limited to, accessories (air cleaner, ex
haust, charging, cooling, carburetor, fuel pump, etc,), application limitations, ambient operating conditions (temperature,
humidity, altitude), and engine-to-engine variability. Due to manufacturing and capacity limitations, Briggs & Stratton
may substitute an engine of higher rated power for this Series engine.