Command Reference Manual
6-19 +VPR - Select DTE/Modem Interface Rate (Turn Off Autobaud)
This command selects the DTE/modem interface rate.
Defined Values
<rate>> Decimal number corresponding to the DTE/modem interface rate where 0 = autobaud rate
determined by processing the AT command, and 1,2,3,4,8,16,24,48,96 correspond to multipliers of
2400 bps to determine the actual rate:
0 = Autobaud
1 = 2400 bps
2 = 4800 bps
3 = 7200 bps
4 = 9600 bps
8 = 19200 bps
16 = 38400 bps
24 = 57600 bps
48 = 115200 bps
96 = 230400 bps
Reporting Current or Selected Values
Command: +VPR?
Response: <rate>
Example: 0 For the default setting (Autobaud).
Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values
Command: +VPR=?
Response: (<rate> range)
Example: (0,1,2,3,4,8,16,24,48,96)
Result Codes
OK <rate> = 0,1,2,3,4,8,16,24,48,96.
ERROR Otherwise, or if not in Voice Mode.