IRQ/Event Activity Detect
If you highlight the literal “Press Enter” next to the “IRQ/Event Activity Detect” label and
then press the enter key, it will take you a submenu with the follow in g options :
PS2KB Wakeup Select
When select Password, please press Enter key to change password with a
maximun of 8 characters.
The Choices: Hot Key (default).
PS2KB Wakeup from S3/ S4/ S5
This item allows you to wake up from S3/ S4/ S5 with PS2 keyboard.
The Choices: Disabled (default), Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2. Ctrl+F3, Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+F5,
Ctrl+F6, Ctrl+F7, Ctrl+F8, Ctrl+F9, Ctrl+F10, Ctrl+F11, Ctrl+F12, Power, Wake,
Any Key.
Po wer Butto n Lo ck
T his item allows you to enable or disable P ower Button Lock.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
PS2MS Wakeup from S3/ S4/ S5
This item allows you to wake up from S3/ S4/ S5 with PS2 keyboard.
The Choices: Disabled (default), Enabled.
When set to On, any event occurring at a VGA Port will awaken a system which
has been powered down.
The Choices: Off (default), On.
When this option is set to On, any event occurring at a COM(serial)/LPT (printer)
port will awaken a system which has been powered down.
The Choices: LPT/COM (default), COM, LPT, NONE.
When this option is set to On, any event occurring on a hard drive or a floppy
drive will awaken a system which has been powered down.
The Choices: On (default), Off.
PCI Master
When set to On, you need a LAN add-on card which supports the power function.
It should also support the wake-up on LAN jump.
The Choices: Off (default), On.
Po werOn by PCI Card
When you select Enabled, a PME signal from PCI card returns the system to Full