Quick reference guide2
Important things you need to know 3
Where to get help 4
Check your Welcome Pack contents 5
About your BT Business Hub and Openreach modem 6
Connect other computers or devices 7
Hub connection troubleshooting 9
Openreach modem connection troubleshooting 10
Useful information 12
Broadband speed
To make sure you receive the fastest, most reliable service possible on your line, we’ll remotely test
it for up to ten days after your broadband is activated. This may occasionally interrupt your service
and cause your speed to vary. This is normal, and your speed will settle down after ten days.
If you use an online speed checker to test your broadband speed during these ten days, it may
give you an inaccurate and misleading result.
After ten days, you can check your broadband speed at www.speedtester.bt.com
When you use the broadband speed tester:
• plug your computer directly into your BT Business Hub with an Ethernet cable – if you use
wireless or connect to a Local Area Network (LAN), you won’t get an accurate result
• leave Internet Explorer open on your computer but close any other tabs or applications
• make sure there’s no one else using your network – if there is, you won’t get an
accurate result
• leave your computer to run the test until it finishes
If your computer is generally running slowly, it might affect the result of your test. To fix this,
try defragmenting or checking your hard disk or running a disk clean-up tool before using the
broadband speed tester.