Open the phonebook
1. Press . Stored entries are displayed alphabetically.
Character map
New phonebook entry
1. Press then, press the Options option button. Display
. Press OK.
2. Use the keypad to enter the name and the telephone number,
then scroll .
3. Enter the number, scroll to
4. Press or to select the group you want the entry
stored under.
5. Press the
Save option button.
6. To add another entry, press the
Options button or press Back
to return to standby.
You can store up to 100 names and
number in the phonebook. Names can
be up 14 characters long and numbers
up to 24 digits long.
Entering names
Use the keypad letters to enter names,
e.g. to store
Press once to enter T.
Press three times to enter O.
Press once to enter M.
Writing tips
If you make a mistake, press Clear to
delete the last character or digit.
Press to insert a space.
Your phone is set to insert the first
letter of a name as an upper case
letter. The rest will be in lower case.
Press to switch between lower
case and upper case letters.
Insert a pause
You may need t
o do this if your BT
Paragon 550 is connected to a
switchboard. A Pause gives the
chboard time t
o get an outside line
before dialing the number.
When entering a number, usually after
entering the switchboard access code
(e.g. 9) press and hold until
appears in the display.
If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on 0800 218 2182* or email bt.helpdesk@vtecheurope.com
- . ! : 1
A B C ( 2
D E F ) 3
G H I $ 4
J K L / 5
M N O @ 6
P Q R S 7
T U V # 8
W X Y Z 9
Toggle Uppercase/
no function