Navigation, see user's manual
for Navigation, Entertain‐
ment and Communication
Neck restraints, front, refer to
Head restraints 62
Neck restraints, rear, refer to
Head restraints 64
Neutral cleaner, see wheel
cleaner 235
New wheels and tires 205
Night Vision 127
Night Vision device, see Night
Vision 127
Nylon rope for tow-starting/
towing 230
OBD Onboard Diagnosis 219
OBD, see OBD Onboard Di‐
agnosis 219
Object detection, see Night
Vision 127
Obstacle marking, rearview
camera 154
Octane rating, refer to Rec‐
ommended fuel grade 198
Odometer 94
Office, see user's manual for
Navigation, Entertainment
and Communication
Officially use hybrid sys‐
tem 182
Oil 213
Oil, adding 214
Oil additives 214
Oil change 215
Oil change interval, service
requirements 95
Oil filler neck 214
Oil types, alternative 215
Oil types, approved 215
Old batteries, disposal 226
On-board computer 98
Onboard monitor, refer to
Control Display 18
Onboard vehicle tool kit 220
Opening/closing via door
lock 43
Opening and closing 38
Opening and closing, without
remote control 43
Opening and closing, with re‐
mote control 41
Opening the trunk lid with no-
touch activation 48
Operating concept, iDrive 18
Optional equipment, standard
equipment 6
Outside air, refer to Auto‐
matic recirculated-air con‐
trol 164
Overheating of engine, refer
to Coolant temperature 94
Paint, vehicle 234
Parallel parking assistant 158
Park Distance Control
PDC 150
Parked-car ventilation 168
Parked vehicle, condensa‐
tion 186
Parking aid, refer to PDC 150
Parking assistant 158
Parking brake 77
Parking lights 104
Parking with Automatic
Hold 78
Parts and accessories 7
Passenger side mirror, tilting
downward 66
Pathway lines, rearview cam‐
era 154
PDC Park Distance Con‐
trol 150
Pedestrian detection, see
Night Vision 127
Pedestrian warning with city
braking function 124
Personal Profile 39
Personal Profile, exporting
profiles 40
Pinch protection system,
glass sunroof 55
Pinch protection system, win‐
dows 53
Plastic, care 235
Power failure 226
Power sunroof, glass 54
Power windows 52
Pressure, tire air pres‐
sure 200
Pressure warning FTM,
tires 116
Profile, refer to Personal Pro‐
file 39
Programmable memory but‐
tons, iDrive 23
Protective function, glass
sunroof 55
Protective function, win‐
dows 53
Push-and-turn switch, refer to
Controller 18
Radiator fluid 216
Radio-operated key, refer to
Remote control 38
Radio ready state 73
Radio, see user's manual for
Navigation, Entertainment
and Communication
Rain sensor 81
Rear automatic climate con‐
trol 166
Rear lights 223
Rear socket 174
Rearview camera 152
Rearview mirror 66
Rear window defroster 164
Recirculated-air mode 164
Seite 248
Reference Everything from A to Z
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