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Front-Loading Automatic Washer-Dryer
Please read this guide first!
Dear Customer,
We hope that your product which has been manufactured in modern
facilities and passed through a strict quality control procedure will give
you the best results.
Therefore, we advise you to read through this document carefully
before using your product and keep it for future reference.
This guide will…
…help you use your washer-dryer in a fast and safe way.
• Pleasereadtheguidebeforeinstallingandstartingyourwasher-
• Particularlyfollowtheinstructionsrelatedtosafety.
• Keepthisguidewithineasyreach.Youmayneeditinthefuture.
• Pleasereadalladditionaldocumentssuppliedwiththiswasher-
applicable for several other models. Differences between models will
be identified in the guide.