bintec RS353jw
Subject to technical alterations
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bintec elmeg GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - 911 9673-0 - Telefax: +49 - 911 688 07 25
Warranty 2 year manufacturer warranty inclusive advanced replacement
IP address ISDN B/D channel
Free of charge license for IP address transmission in ISDN D or B channel for IPSec connections;
registering under www.bintec-elmeg.com required.
VDSL Profile VDSL Profile 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 12a, 12b, 17a, 30a
VDSL Compatibel to VDSL2 connection of Deutsche Telekom
VDSL Vectoring Vectoring ready & Vectoring capable
VDSL Downward compatible to ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+ over ISDN, Annex B
ADSL 2 / ADSL 2+ ADSL over ISDN, Annex B and Annex J, compatible to the 'All IP' connection of Deutschen Telekom
(ITU G.992.3, ITU G.992.5)
ADSL ADSL over ISDN (ITU G.992.1 Annex B, ISDN - compatible to U-R2 connection of Deutsche Telekom,
G.Lite (ITU G.922.2)
ADSL Support of Dying Gasp
ATM Support of layer 1 protocol AAL5, PVCs, RFC 1483
ATM Support of up to 7 virtual channels (VC)
ATM Support of OAM F4/F5 line monitoring
ATM Support of ATM traffic management (COS - CBR, VBR, UBR)
Number of VPN tunnels Inclusive 5 active VPN tunnels with the protocols IPSec, PPTP, L2TP and GRE v.0 (also in
combination possible). Optional router extension up to 30 simultaneous utilisable VPN tunnel via
PPTP (PAC/PNS) Point to Point Tunneling Protocol for establishing fo Virtual Privat Networks, inclusive strong
encryption methods with 128 Bit (MPPE) up to 168 Bit (DES/3DES, Blowfish)
GRE v.0 Generic Routing Encapsulation V.0 according RFC 2784 for common encapsulation
L2TP Layer 2 tunnelling protocol inclusive PPP user authentication
IPSec Internet Protocol Security establishing of VPN connections
IPSec Algorithms DES (64 Bit), 3DES (192 Bit), AES (128,192,256 Bit), CAST (128 Bit), Blowfish (128-448 Bit), Twofish
(256 Bit); MD-5, SHA-1, RipeMD160, Tiger192 Hashes
IPSec hardware acceleration Integrated hardware acceleration for IPSec encryption algorithms DES, 3DES, AES
IPSec IKE IPSec key exchange via preshared keys or certificates
IPSec IKE Config Mode IKE Config Mode server enables dynamic assignment of IP addresses from the address pool of the
company. IKE Config Mode client enables the router, to get assigned dynamically an IP address.