Itis recommend that yourun a washcycle with the
dish washer empt y an d the n re mov e th e plu g fro m the
socket, t urn o ff t he wa te r supp ly and l eave the door of
t he app li a n c e sl ight ly open. This wil l help th e door
seals to last longer and prevent odours from forming
within the appliance .
If th e appliance must be move d, tr y to keep i t in the
vertical position. If absolutely necessary, it can be
positi oned on its back .
dishwasher is foo d th at re mains t rappe d i n the seals .
Periodic clea ni ng wi th a d amp sponge will p rev ent t his
f r o m occurr ing.
Aft er ever y wash, turn off t he wa ter supp ly t o the
applia nce and l eave t he doo r s light ly op en so t hat
m oisture an d odou rs ar e n ot tra pped i nside.
Befo re cl eaning or p erformi ng mainten ance, always
remove th e p lug from t he socket.
Toclean the exterior and rubber parts ofthedishwasher,
do not use solvents or abrasive cleaning products.
O nly u se a cloth w ith w arm soapy wate r.
To r em ove sp ots or st a in s from the sur face of t he
interior, use a cloth dampened wit hwa ter a n a little
v ineg ar, o r a c lea ning pro duc t mad e s p eci fical ly f or
After Every Wash
Remove the Plug
No Solv ents or Ab ras iv e Clea ning
Mov ing the Ap plia nce
When not in Use for a LongTime
Th e instal lation of the pipes
and elect rical e quip ments
should be d one by p ro fessio nals .
Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect electrical power
installing dishwasher.
Failure to do so can result in
death or electrical shock.
T h e ins tallation position of dishwashe r sh oul d be n e ar the exi s t ing inle t and drain h os es a nd
power cord.
One side of the cabinetsinkshould be chosen to facilitate the connection of drain hoses of
the dishwasher.
Installation preparation
N ote : please c he ck t he accomp anying install ation a cce ssories(hook for aes thetic panel,scr ew)