1. Push the latch to rght to open the
detergent dspenser ld (A).
2. Put suggested amount of
powder or tablet detergent n the
C Insde the detergent dspenser,
there are level markngs that
help you use approprate
amount of detergent. When
brmful, detergent dspenser wll
contan 40 cm of detergent.
Fll detergent up to 15 cm or 25
cm level marks n the detergent
dspenser accordng to fullness of
the machne and/or solng degree
of the dshes (1).
C If dshes have been watng for a
long tme and have dred resdues,
fll the 5 cm compartment too (5).
3. Close the detergent dspenser
ld by pressng on t lghtly. A
5. If you wll not start a washng
programme mmedately after
addng the salt, run the machne
empty n the shortest programme
to dssolve and wash away the
scattered salt n the machne.
C Snce dfferent salt brands
n the market have dfferent
partcle szes and snce the water
hardness may vary, dssoluton
of the salt n water may take a
couple of hours. Therefore, Salt
Indcator remans on for a whle
after addng salt nto the machne.
You can use powder or tablet
detergent n the machne.
C Only use in the machine the
detergents produced particularly
for use with dishwashers. We
recommend you not to use
detergents that contain chlorine
and phosphate as they are
harmful for the environment.
C Contact the detergent producer if
the dishes are wet and/or if you
notice limescale spots particularly
on glasses after the washing
programme is over.
Addng detergent
C Refer to the “Programme Table”
to determne the correct amount
of detergent for the selected
B Do not put solvents nto the
detergent dspenser. There s the
rsk of exploson!
Put the detergent nto the detergent
dspenser just before operatng the
machne as llustrated below.