Typical Setup
For a stereo 2-way system, separate high frequency (horn or tweeter) and low frequency (bass)
speaker cabinets are used for each channel (left and right) of the sound system and are driven by
their own power amplifiers.
The crossover is used to split each channel's signal into two frequency bands, which feed separate
amplifiers. This delivers the proper frequencies to each speaker cabinet as well as allowing its
associated amplifier to produce acoustic power more efficiently.
It is very important that you use caution when selecting the crossover points for any system.
Refer to the documentation that came with your speaker cabinets for information on their
proper frequency ranges. This is especially important for high frequency horns; damage may
occur from sending lower frequencies than specified into the drivers!
Signal Flow
In most situations, the crossover is the last piece of equipment in the signal chain before the power
amplifiers. Signal flow is as follows:
Mixer → Equalizer → Crossover → Power Amplifier → Speaker Cabinets
Sometimes a limiter is placed between the mixer outputs and the equalizer or after the equalizer for
system protection.
Initial Setup Tips
1. Set all level controls to their full counter-clockwise position (-30dB.)
2. Connect the outputs of your mixer (or equalizer) to the inputs of the CX311. If stereo,
Channel One is left.
3. Connect the LOW output of Channel One to the power amplifier powering the low frequency
cabinets (left).
4. Connect the HIGH output of Channel One to the power amplifier powering the high frequency
cabinets (left).
5. Repeat for the right side of the system (Channel Two).
6. Connect the SUBWOOFER output to the subwoofer amplifier.
7. Set the crossover frequency for both channels (they should be the same if your PA cabinets
are the same).
8. Set the crossover frequency for the SUBWOOFER output to that recommended for the
9. With the power amplifier volume controls turned all the way down, turn on all equipment in
the system.
10. With a program source running through the system, turn up the power amplifier volume
controls and slowly turn up the crossover output controls while checking each individual
output for sound and performance.