printer administrator
AppleTalk setup 10
changing default printer settings
Mac OS 76
Windows 95 76
TCP/IP setup for UNIX users 52–56
Windows 95 and 3.1 printer software
installation 25
printer driver
Windows 3.1
Ctrl-D protocol options 105
how to change default options
using to print to a PostScript file
Windows 95
application incompatibility alert
message 133
Ctrl-D protocol options 132–133
how to change default options
Printer Driver Only installation
Windows 3.1 29, 35, 36
Windows 95 26, 33
printer driver Properties dialog box,
Windows 95. See Properties
dialog box
printer driver Setup dialog box, Windows
3.1. See Setup dialog box
Printers control panel, Windows 3.1
28, 35
Printers dialog box, Windows 3.1 101
Printers folder, Windows 95 125
printer setup. See Properties dialog box,
Windows 95; Settings pop-up
menu, Mac OS; setting up the
printer; Setup dialog box
Printers folder, Windows 95 26, 32
printer software, installing
Mac OS 11–15, 18–20
Windows 3.1 25, 28–31, 35–37
Windows 95 25–28, 30–34
Windows NT 3.5x 37–40
Printer Specific Options dialog box,
Mac OS 86–87
printer zone. See zone
DOS applications and 25, 121
Mac OS
background printing 84–85, 89
changing settings 79–88
color and grayscale images 82–83
a cover page 81
with a desktop printer 89–95
to a file 84
general instructions 79–81
page setup options 77–79
to a PostScript or EPS file 79
manually fed paper 79
monitoring the print queue 93–95
setting the number of pages per
sheet 83
a test file 17
transparencies 79, 86
troubleshooting 145–148
Windows 3.1
in binary or ASCII format 105,
109, 118
changing settings 101–112, to a
PostScript file 103, 117–120
color images 105
general instructions 100
page setup options 100
from the parallel port 25
setting the number of pages per
sheet 103
specifying number of copies 103
watermarks 110–111
Windows 95
in binary or ASCII format 132
changing settings 124–138
color images 105
general instructions 124
from the parallel port 25
setting the number of pages per
sheet 126