UK - 15 -
Door open alarm
Door alarm sounds when the one of two door opens more than 2 minutes continuously.
When the door open alarm occurs;
a) The open door's compartment of display will blink,
b) Backlight of LCD (it will be red) and alarm symbol will blink.
c) The buzzer will sound as "beep-beep" (The buzzer can sound max. 1 hour.)
d) The alarm symbol will blink.
If you want to stop the buzzer, you can close the doors or you can push "Ok" button. If you
push "Ok" button, the display will stay in red until you close the door.
On / Off button
When you push the “On / Off” button (if the display is on position), Number 3 is seen on
the freezer and refrigerator segments on the screen. And it countdowns one by one like
3 - 2 - 1 - Off. Then the backlight goes out. After 3 sec. the number segment will show the
real time clock.
• You can open the display by pushing "On / Off" button.
• When the display is in off position, the mode, the set temperature values that is set
before being off will go on again. This means that the appliance is running with the
last mode or set temperature. The display actions only change.
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