UK - 9 -
Holiday mode
When will apply;
If you will not use the refrigerator for a long time like during holiday, for only working freezer
compartment, this mode is chosen.
How to use;
• Press "Mode" button till holiday symbol will light.
• If you push "Ok" button within 9 sec., the mode will be set and buzzer will sound as
"beep-beep". If you don't push "Ok" button within 9 sec., symbol will blink 9 times,
the mode will not be set.
• Cooling / Freezer temperature segment will show "H" during this mode.
• Freezer / Refrigerator temperature adjusting will not be done.
• If you want to cancel the holiday mode, you will select the holiday mode again. After
selecting, if you push "Ok" button within 9 sec., the mode will be cancelled and buzzer
will sound as "beep-beep". If you don't push "Ok" button within 9 sec., symbol will
blink 9 times, the mode will not be cancelled.
• Freezer and Refrigerator compartment will go on to work with the set values in normal
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