3.5 PC Health Setup
This section shows the parameters in determining the PC Health Status.
These parameters include temperatures, fan speeds, and voltages.
Note: Listed at the bottom of the menu are the control keys. If you need any
help with the item fields, you can press the <F1> key, and it will display the
relevant information.
Option Choice Description
System Temperature
N/A Show you the current system temperature.
CPU Temperature
These read-only fields show the functions of the hardware
thermal sensor by CPU thermal diode that monitors the chip
blocks to ensure a stable system.
CPU Core Voltage
N/A Show you the voltage of CPU.
+12V Voltage
N/A Show you the Input +12V voltage.
+5V Voltage
N/A Show you the Input +5V voltage.
+3.3V Voltage
N/A Show you the Input +3.3V voltage.