■ Check the Any IP address can remotely manage the router check box
if you want any PC to be able to remotely manage the Router. Or,
■ Enter the IP address of the PC that you want to remotely manage the
Router in the Only this IP address can remotely manage the router
check box
3 Enter the number of the port that will be used to remotely manage the
Router in the Port for remotely manage the router text box. This must be
entered in the browser as part of the URL when the remote user logs in.
4 Click Apply to save the settings.
Routing This sub-menu option displays three tabs along the top of the main
screen: Static Route, RIP and Routing Table.
Static Route
The Router supports static route functionality. Select the Static Route tab
from the Advanced > Routing sub-menu to display the screen shown in
Figure 56
Figure 56 Static Route screen
The following information is displayed for each static route:
■ Index - the index of the static route
■ Network Address - the network address of the route. If network
address and subnet mask are both set to, this is the default