unmanned aerial systems defense.ge-ip.com/uas
The ICS-8580 uses the industry-standard
H.264 video compression codec, but can be
reconfigured to support alternatives such
as JPEG2000. Supported inputs include
(NTSC PAL), HDTV and CxBS/Y-C/YPrPb. The
ICS-8580 affords four channels of mono or
two channels of stereo input, along with
two channels of audio. Support is provided
for Microsoft
, VxWorks
, Linux
software API and device drivers. A video
client/server application and local file
archive are available. Video compression
SDK/API provides fast integration into
enterprise applications.
Greater Autonomy through
High-Performance Computing
The rugged MAGIC1 Display Computer
combines state-of-the-art CPUs with the
latest Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for
unprecedented performance in a small
form factor computer. The NVIDIA GT 240
GPU gives the MAGIC1 full General Purpose
computing on Graphics Processing Units
(GPGPU) capabilities for incredible 96-core
parallel processing capabilities for radar,
image processing and similar applications.
Improved Ground Station Operation
through Compression and Visualization
Signals from video sources may be seam-
lessly merged into a real-time, interactive
360-degree panoramic image on a single
monitor or multiple monitors with our
IPS5000 Image Processing System. The
UAV operator is able to interact with the
collected imagery through a range of inter-
face options including touch screen, joystick
and game-style controller.
The ICS-8580 Video Compression Engine
was designed with SWaP-constrained UAVs
in mind. As part of a system with a single
board computer and PCI switch, this rugged,
standalone video capture, compression,
streaming and archiving module is capable
of delivering high-quality video from a
small XMC form factor. Requiring minimal
integration and software development, the
lightweight ICS-8580 consumes low levels
of power despite its ability to support
a variety of video formats with
either two channels of high-
definition video or four channels
of standard-definition video.
of delivering high-quality video from a
small XMC form factor. Requiring minimal
integration and software development, the
lightweight ICS-8580 consumes low levels
of power despite its ability to support