WiMAX Device Configuration User’s Guide 20
Introduction to the Web Configurator
2.1 Overview
The Web Configurator is an HTML-based management interface that allows easy device set up and
management via any web browser that supports: HTML 4.0, CSS 2.0, and JavaScript 1.5, and
higher. The recommended screen resolution for using the web configurator is 1024 by 768 pixels
and 16-bit color, or higher.
In order to use the Web Configurator you need to allow:
• Web browser pop-up windows from your device. Web pop-up blocking is enabled by default in
many operating systems and web browsers.
• JavaScript (enabled by default in most web browsers).
• Java permissions (enabled by default in most web browsers).
See the Appendix C on page 233 for more information on configuring your web browser.
2.1.1 Accessing the Web Configurator
1 Make sure your WiMAX Device hardware is properly connected (refer to the Quick Start Guide for
more information).
2 Launch your web browser.
3 Enter" as the URL.
4 A login screen displays. Enter the default Username (admin) and Password (1234), then click
Figure 4 Login screen