The washer dryer may sometimes not work properly for certain reasons. Before calling the Support
Centre, it is recommended to check to see if the problem can be easily resolved using the following list.
Anomalies: Possible causes / Solution:
The washer dryer does not
turn on.
• Theplugisnotinsertedintotheelectricaloutlet,ornot
enough to make contact.
• Therehasbeenapowerfailure.
• Thedoorisnotfullyclosed.
The wash cycle does not start. • TheON/OFFbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• TheSTART/PAUSEbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• Thewatertapisnotopen.
• Astartdelayhasbeenset.
Wash&Dry does not ll with
water (the LED on the rst
wash stage and the LED on the
START/PAUSE button ash).
• Thewaterintakehoseisnotconnectedtothetap.
• Thehoseisbent.
• Thewatertapisnotopen.
• Themainswatersupplyhasbeenshuto.
• Thereisnotenoughpressure.
The washer dryer loads and
drains water continuously.
• TheSTART/PAUSEbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• Thedrainhosehasnotbeeninstalledat65to100cmfrom
the ground.
• Theendofthedrainhoseisimmersedinwater.
• Thedrainconnectoronthewalldoesnothaveanairvent.
If the problem persists after having performed these
checks, close the water tap, shut o the washer dryer, and
call the Support Centre.If the dwelling is located on one
of the uppermost oors of a building, a siphon eect can
sometimes occur, thus causing the washer dryer to load
and drain water continuously.Special anti-siphon valves are
available on the market to prevent these types of problems.
The washer dryer does not
drain or does not spin.
• Theprogrammedoesnotincludethedrainingfunction:with
certain programmes it must be activated manually.
• Thedrainhoseisbent.
• Thedrainlineisobstructed.
The washer dryer vibrates
excessively during the spin
• Atthetimeofinstallation,thedrumwasnotproperly
• Thewasherdryerisnotlevel.
• Thewasherdryerissqueezedbetweenfurnitureandthewall.
The washer dryer leaks water. • Thewaterintakehosehasnotbeentightenedproperly.
• Thedetergentdispenserisclogged.
• Thedrainhosehasnotbeenproperlyfastened.
Two of the four LEDs for
“Wash&Dry Stages” are ON
steady and the other LEDs on
the control panel ash rapidly.
• Shutothemachine,disconnecttheplugfromtheoutlet,
and weight about 1 minute before turning it back on.
If the problem persists, call the Support Centre.