07.03.1997 / Page 2 Whirlpool Europe
Doc. No: 4812 718 12332 Customer Service
Technical data
Height 85,0 cm
Width 59,5 cm
Depth 60,0 cm
Weight 56,7 kg
Decor plate
Thicknes max. 4 mm
Width 584 mm
Height 595 mm
Weight max. 1,8 kg
Specification (normal program)
Capacity 12 standard
setting pl.
Water consumption 22 l
Energy consumption 1,5 kWh
Program time ~ 82 min
Noise level 52 db (A)
Detergent consumption 25 ml
Salt consumption
by 21˚ dh <20 g
Hot water connect. up to 60 ˚C
Water leakage
Program information
Start indicator
Net indicator
Volume (normal)
Water Volume Level
Regeneration 0,3 l 15 mm
Back rinse 3x 1,0 l 68 mm
Prewash 5,0 l 125 mm
Main wash 6,0 l 129 mm
Intermediate rinse 1 5,0 l 125 mm
Clear rinse 5,0 l 125 mm
Safety / overflow 8,5 l 141 mm
Measuring the level
Remove the coarse sieve, put in a measuring
meter into the sump, measure the hight of the
water level.
Detergent max.
Pre-wash 10 cm
Main-wash 45 cm
Rinse aid 125 cm
5 Dosage steps 1 - 5 cm
Water softener
Saltcontainer 2 kg
Resin container 900 cm
Regeneration dosage 300 cm
Water pressure
Inlet pressure 0,3-10 bar
Spray pump pressure 0,4 bar
Spray pump motor 2800 RPM
Drain pump motor 2800 RPM
Spray arm lower ~ 30 RPM
Spray arm upper ~ 35 RPM
Ceiling rotor ~ 60 RPM
Flow rates / Inlet volume
Flow meter (at 0,3 bar
= quantity 1,1 l/min) 208 lmp/l
Spray pump ~ 70 l/min
Drain pump 16 l/min
Pump height max. 1,3 m
Valve of sieve 8,0 l/min.
Inlet valve 4,5 l/min
Spray arm lower 33 l/min
Sprayarm upper 30 l/min
Ceiling rotor / shower 8 l/min
Water distribution
Fine sieve 100 %
Self cleaning
micro filter ~ 32 %