Dil ID: 7
Dil Adı: french
Dil Kodu: fr1tayfun Produits de la Marque Whirlpool
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

1. The salt con tai ner must onl y be r efilled when t he salt warn ing light in t he control pan el comes on.
Depend ing on how w ell the s alt diss olve s, th e sa lt warni ng light may st ill be on even though the
salt contai ner is filled .
If ther e is n o sa lt warning light in the con trol p anel ( for some Mode ls),you c an estim at e when to f ill
the salt i nto the softene r by the cyc les that t he dishwashe r has run.
2. If ther e a re spills of the salt , a soa k or a rapid pro gram s hould be run to remove the excessiv e sa lt.
Always u se the salt i ntended for u se with di shwasher.
The sa lt c ont ain er i s l ocated ben eath the l ower basket and shoul d b e filled a s e xplaine d i n the
foll ow ing:
Only use salt spe cifi ca lly designe d f or t he use i n di shw ash er s! E very other t ype of
salt no t speci f ically de sig ned fo r t he u se in a d ishwas her, espe cially t able salt, will
damage t he w ater sof tener. I n case of da mages caused by the use of un sui table
salt t he ma nuf acture r doe s not give any warrant y nor is liabl e for any damage s caused.
Only f il l wi th s alt just b efore start ing one of th e co mplete washi ng p ro gr ams.
This wi ll p revent any g rains of sa lt or salty wate r, w hich ma y have b een spill ed,
remain ing on the bottom o f t he m achi ne for any pe riod of ti me, which may cause
c o rros io n.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th e r inse aid i s r elea se d d uring t he final rin se to pr event wate r from f orming drop lets o n y o ur dish es, wh ic h can leave
spots and s treaks. It al so improve s dryi ng by allow in g water to ro ll off the d ishe s. Your di shwasher is designed t o
use liqu id rin se a ids. The rinse a id di spenser i s l ocat ed inside t he d oor next to t he deter gent di spens er. To fill the
dispenser, open the cap and pour the rinse aidinto the dispenseruntil the level indicator turns completely bla ck.
The volum e o f t he r ins e aid contai ner is about 110 ml.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse aid is aut omat ic ally a dded duri ng the last r inse, ensur ing thor ough rin sing, and spo t an d st reak free dryi ng.
Only use branded rinse aid for dishwasher. Never fill the rinse aid dispenser with anyother substances
(e.g. Di shw asher cleani ng ag en t, liq uid dete rge nt). Th is would dam age the app lian ce.
A Remove the lower basket and then unscrew and remove the cap from the salt container.
se a fun n el to f il l t he s alt c ont ai ne r wi th a bout 1 .5 kg of di s hwa she r s a lt ,
th en ple ase re m ove the s al t f un ne l fr om all p ro duc ti on.
Full fill the salt container with water.It is normal for a small amount of water to come
out of the salt container.
D Af te r f il li ng the co ntainer , sc rew the c ap t igh tly b ack clo ckwise.
E Usually, t he salt warni ng light will st op bei ng il luminat ed with in 2-6 days af te r th e sa lt c ontain er ha s be en fi lled wi t h
sal t.
F Immediat ely aft er fill ing the sal t into th e s alt cont ainer, a wa shing p rogram s hould be start ed (We s uggest to use the
soak or r apid pr ogram). Othe rwi se t he filte r system , pump or o ther i mp ortant par ts of th e machine m ay be dam aged
by salty w ater. Th is is o ut o f wa rr anty.