W150M+150Mbps Wireless AP
different as the one obtained at LAN port. If they are at the same
range, you can modify the LAN IP address to solve the problem.
d. Please do not detach any antenna of the wireless
Router when you are using the Router.
After trying all the above steps, if you still can’t access the
Internet, you can contact us for support.
If you still have some problems, please contact our customer
service or log on our website.
Tenda website :
Technical Support:
Toll Free: 400-6622-666 (For Mainland China Only)
Toll Free: 1-800-570-5892 (For USA only)
Tel: +86 (755) 2344 2820
Skype: tendasz
Headquarter Shenzhen:
Add:Tenda Industrial Zone,No.34-1 Shilong Road,Shiyan
Town,Baoan District,Shenzhen,China. 518108
Tel: (86)755-27657180 Fax: (86)755-27657178
Integrated Wiring Division Department: