What is the Wireless Panel software?
The Wireless Panel softw are displays the communication status of the Wireless LAN PC Cards PCWA-C800S, PCWA-C700, PCWA-C500, and PCWA-C300S
(hereafter "Wireless LAN PC Card"). Normally, it runs in the background. Here are some of its features.
Display of the signal status of the wireless connection as an icon on the Windows taskbar
The Wireless Panel softw are displays the signal status of your w ireless connection as an icon on the Window s taskbar. See section Checking the communication
status to find out w hat the icon looks like.
Confirm the status of the network to which you are connected
Detailed information about the netw ork to w hich you are currently connected, as w ell as available the access points appear in a list in the Wireless Panel w indow .
When using the Window s 2000 operating system, you can also use the Wireless Panel softw are to register netw ork settings on your computer or sw itch
betw een netw ork connections.
Wireless network connectivity
You can register several netw orks to the Wireless Panel softw are, making it simple to use a w ireless connection to access, for example, your office or personal
netw ork w ith the Access Point Netw ork or Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode.
Use the connection modes above in the follow ing situations. For details, see About the connection modes.
Use the Access Point Netw ork connection mode to build a netw ork around a w ireless LAN access point (sold separately).
Use the Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode to allow computers equipped w ith Wireless LAN PC Cards to communicate directly, w ithout using an
access point.
(*) Some functions outlined here are not available to the PCWA-C300S and PCWA-C500.
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