Initial Router Setup
All router management tasks are performed through the QLogic SANsurfer Router
Manager tool, available from the QLogic website
. The router needs a management ip
address for SANsurfer Router Manager to connect to. This can be setup manually via the
serial port or the default ( can be used from a private network. Each gigE port on
the router must also be assigned a valid ip address on the network. Note the WWN of
each FC port for use in setting up SAN zoning and disk lun masking.
A note about the router manager tool: to see sub-headings for a topic in the left pane, the
“flusher handle” (next to the header text) must be clicked, clicking on the header text
itself won’t do anything.
Initial Disk Setup
Each host was allocated four 160GB luns each from the disk unit. Size is not important,
as long as the luns are large enough to hold the file sizes to be tested. Disk side
permissions were setup to allow each FC port on the router access to them. Likewise on
the SAN, the appropriate zoning was added to allow the router to see the disk.
Test cases
Software Initiator (no HBA)
Linux Setup
A good iSCSI install and setup guide is available at
(http://kbase.redhat.com/faq/FAQ_85_7905.shtm). It covers installation and setup of the
iSCSI software initiator. It is suggested to use the /sbin/iscsi-iname command to
create a valid iscsi-alias. In the /etc/iscsi.conf file, a “DiscoveryAddress” was set for
each gigE port on the router. No other changes were made to the configuration file. The
iSCSI service on the host is started by issuing the command: /sbin/service iscsi
. At this point, a lun must be mapped from the router to the host (see section:
Router Lun Mapping). The new lun shows up like any other SCSI disk and a partition
and filesystem can be created on it.
Windows Setup
The “Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator“ is available online at
). This will install the driver and the iSCSI control panel. The “Discovery” tab in the
iSCSI control panel is where the router gigE port ip addresses are added. After adding
both router ports, both ports should show up on the “Targets” tab. If unable to connect to
the router, check the host firewall. The free version of ZoneAlarm requires the ip
addresses for each gigE port on the router to be added to the trusted domain. In the iSCSI
control panel, select each target port and click the “Log On” button. The host should now
be logged in on the router and luns can be mapped to the host (see section: Router Lun
Mapping). The lun will show up on the host and can be partitioned and formatted just
the same as any other disk. To make the lun persistent across reboots, click “Bind All” on