RLX-IFHE ♦ RadioLinx Industrial Wireless Reference
RadioLinx® Industrial Frequency Hopping Ethernet Radios User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc. Page 97 of 109
November 19, 2013
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol. The wireless security encryption mechanism in
Wi-Fi Protected Access. TKIP uses a key hierarchy and key management
methodology that removes the predictability that intruders relied upon to exploit
the WEP key. In increases the size of the key from 40 to 128 bits and replaces
WEP’s single static key with keys that are dynamically generated and distributed
by an authentication server, providing some 500 trillion possible keys that can be
used on a given data packet. If also includes a Message Integrity Check (MIC),
designed to prevent the attacker from capturing data packets, altering them, and
resending them. By greatly expanding the size of keys, the number of keys in
use, and by creating an integrity checking mechanism, TKIP magnifies the
complexity and difficulty involved in decoding data on a Wi-Fi network. TKIP
greatly increases the strength and complexity of wireless encryption, making it far
more difficult (if not impossible) for a would-be intruder to break into a Wi-Fi
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
Wireless Application Protocol. A set of standards to enable wireless devices to
access internet services, such as the World Wide Web and email.
Wireless Distribution System. Enables access points to communicate with one
another in order to extend the range of a wireless networks. Used in 802.11g
based access points.
Wired-Equivalent Privacy protocol was specified in the IEEE 802.11 standard to
provide a WLAN with a minimal level of security and privacy comparable to a
typical wired LAN, using data encryption.
A certification mark managed by a trade group called the Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi
certification encompasses numerous standards including 802.11a, 802.11b,
802.11g, WPA, and more. Equipment must pass compatibility testing to receive
the Wi-Fi mark.
The certification standard designating IEEE 802.11-based wireless local area
network (WLAN) products that have passed interoperability testing requirements
developed and governed by the Wi-Fi alliance.