Diagnostic Tools
PN: 1725-36034-001_C.doc 77
The screens provided by the Diagnostics Mode include:
Screen 1
M i s s edRc vC nt nnnnn
M i s s edXmt C nt nnnnn
R x R e t r y Cou nt nnnnn
T x R e t r y Cou nt nnnnn
• Missed receive packet count since power up (MissedRcvCnt)
• Missed transmit packet count since power up (MissedXmtCnt)
• Receive retry count since power up (RxRetryCount)
• Transmit retry count since power up (TxRetryCount)
Screen 2
J i t t e r n n n n n
L a s t R a t e n n n n n
G a t e wyType mnemo
• Jitter is the average error or “wobble” in received packet timing,
in microseconds (jitter)
• Last successful transmit data rate (LastRate)
• Gateway type (not used)
Screen 3
C : m mmm ch - ss a i d
1 : m mmm ch - ss mnem
2 : m mmm ch - ss mnem
3 : m mmm ch - ss mnem