Label on the top surface, and insert
the shutter-side headfirst.
10Create Backup Disks for reinstallation
Prepare 2HD floppy disks and make sure they are not in the write-protected state,
then select [Start] - [Programs] - [Panasonic] - [Create BACKUP DISK] and follow
the on-screen instructions. Place a label identifying the contents on each disk.
When [You do not need to make “BACKUP DISK’
create a Backup Disk.
is displayed, there is no need to
Name of created backup disk
FIRSTAID FD (When the display for creating the UPDATE FD is shown, create
the disk by following the on-screen instructions.)
Store the floppy disks in a safe place. They will enable you to return your
computer to factory default settings should any problems occur.
When creating backup disks and the message [Insufficient files to copy] is
displayed, select [OK] and then contact Panasonic Technical Support.
While the MP indicator (@) is on, do not remove the floppy disk, power
down your computer or enter either the standby or hibernation mode ((3=-
“Standby/Hibernation Functions”).
When creating backup disks, do not run any other application program.
Be sure to create the backup disk.
if a backup disk is not created, it will be impossible to return the computer to
its original state. In this case, contact Panasonic Technical Support.
( This concludes the first-time use operation guidelines, j
When a new device has been installed or a new Windows Component has been added
in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] - [Add/Remove Programs], [Insert Disk] may
appear. Select [OK] and then specify [c:\winnt\cdimage] in place of [c:\sysprep\i386]
or [A;], then select [OK].
e.g., [c:\winnt\cdimage\i386] in place of [A:\i386]
The library able to be used with the retail version of Windows NT 4.0 for Service
Pack6 is in the following folder on the hard disk drive.