4.2 Setting/Changing SMB Using the [Config.txt] File 17
Setting Format of [config.txt] File
Item Remarks Value Factory default
Printer Language Language to be used. English English
Host Name Host name of the printer. Maximum 15 bytes OKI-xxxxxx (xxxxxx: last 6
characters of the printer
MAC address)
Workgroup Name of workgroup of printer. Maximum 15 bytes WORKGROUP
NETBEUI Activation of NetBEUI protocol. On/Off Off
TCP/IP Activation of TCP/IP protocol. On/Off On
Spool Activation of spool function.
Can select from Disk, Memory, and Off.
If Disk is not recognised when it is selected,
it will become Memory.
Disk/Memory/ Off Off
Max Spool Size The maximum receive buffer size during
Can be set in 256 kbyte units.
512 - 32768 (unit:
1024 kbyte
Max Receive Buffer Size The maximum receive buffer size during
Can be set in 32 kbyte units.
64 - 1024 (unit:
256 kbyte
Auto Driver Download Activation of the automatic downloading of
printer driver.
Enabled/Disabled Enabled
JCL Activation of JCL. On/Off On
Print Mode Set the printer language. AUTO/PS/HPGL/
Auto Master Mode Activation of the automatic browse master
Not available when Wins server is
On/Off On
Encrypt Password Activation of the encrypt password feature. On/Off On
Time Zone Set the time zone in units of minutes. -720 to 720 (unit:
0 (England)
Daylight Savings Set the period of summer time. hour-start-end (h-
Maximum Session Maximum connections of printer. 3 - 10 5
Unicode Support Set whether to use unicode or local code
(Shift JIS).
Enabled/Disabled Disabled
DHCP Activation of the DHCP protocol. On/Off Off
Get WINS DHCP Set whether or not to get WINS from the
DHCP server.
Yes/No No
IP Address Set the IP address. -----
Subnet Mask Set the subnet mask. -----
Gateway Address Set the gateway address. -----
WINS Primary Server IP
Set the WINS primary server IP address. -----
WINS Secondary Server
IP Address
Set the WINS secondary server IP address. -----
Administrator Name Name Administrator name. Maximum 20 bytes ADMIN
Administrator Password Password of administrator.
Current setting not displayed.
Maximum 14 bytes xxxxxx (the last six
characters of the printer’s
MAC address)