Hardware Setup
N750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router WNDR4300
3. Locate the Ethernet cable (1) that connects your computer to the modem.
4. Disconnect the cable from the modem (2). You will connect it to the router later.
5. Locate the Ethernet cable that came with the NETGEAR product. Securely insert that
Ethernet cable into your modem and into the Internet port of the router (3).
6. Locate the cable you removed from the modem in step 2. Securely insert that cable (4) into
a LAN port on the router such as LAN port 1.
Your network cables are connected, and you are ready to start your network. It is important
that you start your network in the correct sequence (first power on the modem, and after it
finishes starting up, power on the router).