Cooling function, switching on
and off 112
Cooling, maximum 111
Cornering Brake Control,
CBC 101
Corrosion on brake discs 126
Cradle for telephone or mobile
phone, refer to Snap-in
adapter 202
Cruise control 105
Cupholders 114
Current fuel consumption 76
Current location, storing 140
Curve lights, refer to Adaptive
Light Control 87
Cylinders, number of, refer to
Engine data 266
Dashboard lighting, refer to
Instrument lighting 88
Dashboard, refer to Cock‐
pit 12
Dashboard, refer to Dis‐
plays 14
Data, technical 266
Date format 80
– Setting 79
Daytime running lights 86
Decorative trim, care 262
Defogging windows 109
Rear window 109, 112
Defrosting windows 109
Defrost setting, refer to De‐
frosting windows 109
Destination entry via the ad‐
dress book 140
Destination guidance with in‐
termediate destinations 145
Destination input, naviga‐
tion 138
Digital radio 161
Dip stick, engine oil 238
Directional indicators, refer to
Turn signals 67
Displacement, refer to Engine
data 266
Display lighting, refer to In‐
strument lighting 88
Displays 14
Displays and controls 12
Displays, care 263
Displays, cleaning 263
Displays, refer to Instrument
cluster 14
Remote control battery 39
Distance warning, refer to
Park Distance Control
PDC 106
Door key, refer to Remote
control with integrated
key 30
Door lock 34
Door lock, confirmation sig‐
nals 33
Doors, manual operation 35
Doors, unlocking and locking
Confirmation signals 33
– From the inside 35
– From the outside 32
DOT Quality Grades 228
Drive-off assistant, refer to Hill
drive-off assistant 103
Driving notes, breaking
in 124
Driving off on hills, refer to Hill
drive-off assistant 103
Driving stability control sys‐
tems 101
Driving tips, refer to Driving
notes 124
Dry air, refer to Cooling func‐
tion 112
DSC Dynamic Stability Con‐
trol 101
DTC Dynamic Traction Con‐
trol 102
DTMF suffix dialing 187, 199
Dynamic destination guid‐
ance 154
Dynamic Stability Control
DSC 101
Dynamic Traction Control
DTC 102
Electrical convertible top 42
Electrical malfunction
– Convertible top 44, 51
– Door lock 35
– Fuel filler flap 218
– Tailgate 36
Electronic brake-force distri‐
bution 101
Electronic Stability Program
ESP, refer to Dynamic Stabil‐
ity Control DSC 101
Emergency activation
Automatic transmission, re‐
fer to Overriding selector
lever lock 72
Emergency activation, refer to
Manual activation
Tailgate 36
Emergency operation, fuel
filler flap, unlocking man‐
ually 218
Emergency operation, refer to
Manual operation
Convertible top 44, 51
– Door lock 35
Energy, saving, refer to Saving
fuel 131
Engine, breaking in 124
Engine compartment 236
Engine oil, adding 238
Engine oil, additives, refer to
Approved engine oils 239
Engine oil, alternative oil
types 239
Engine oil change intervals,
refer to Service require‐
ments 81
Engine oil, dip stick 238
Seite 282
Everything from A to Z
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